Thursday, December 18, 2008

Pass the Pig

We planted Kale, Lettuce, and Collard greens in September. Now the plants are big enough to pick. Sammy and Spikey love fresh greens and I told the children that they can go there and pick vegetables for them anytime they like.
It took some serious patience to teach the children not to pull up the plants by their roots. Let's just say the plants are somewhat traumatized but not totally dead. Plants are very forgiving. Maybe we can learn that from them.I'm not sure who ate more vegetables, Sammy or the students... Nothing like home grown vegetables. You can't overfeed a pig which is a good thing when you have a bunch of excited students wanting to serve the vegetables they grew to their furry friend. Next, the students got to play doctor with the stethescopes and listen for Sammy's heartbeat . It's a good thing Sammy thinks he's a person. He took it all in stride like I knew he would. He loves children and he loves to eat. Sammy and I have a lot in common...

What a guy that Sammy...


WELCOME TO TuttleTime! said...

This is such a cute post...Caleb would have had such a blast in your class. I know he'd love to see the new spikey and Sammy. Science tends to be one of his fave subjects.

Rachel said...

Oh, hoo hoo, haa haa, I was really laughing at this one. Guinea pigs really can be the sweetest pets! Hopefully someday we can get rid of Rhapsody and convince Andy that we need just one more pet . . .

Oh, did you get Peter's message about the Beaster? He was SO excited that Beaster changed shells.