We had a wonderful time together in our first September "After School Labs". To start things off, I introduced three of the lab animals to the students.
Some of the students were brave enough to catch some crickets for Spikey Jr.

Lauren helped me get the animals and of course, we had to bring out Sammy who is by far the best guinea pig ever. One of our classes got to give him a bath. I will rotate this duty among the three after school classes so that everyone gets a chance to participate.

We took turns feeding Sammy celery and counting to 10. Sammy seems to never get enough.

African Pygmy Hedgehogs
I decided to call our new African Pygmy Hedgehog "Hedgie" instead of Sonic. I just think he looks more like a "Hedgie"...
We tried to feed him a few mealworms but he was not interested. Next month we will take turns giving him a bath. This is done in a shallow pan with warm water and a toothbrush.

This is the gold spot on the Monarch chrysalis 60x
We had a few examples of butterflies but not much. It seems as though the season is coming in late this year. Fortunately, I was able to secure some Monarch's, Swallowtails, Gulf Fritillaries, and others from friends. Helen Ellis who is a big part of Roper Mountain Science Center, Clarence (a retired Science teacher in Michigan), and Lisa Wells. Thanks to all who helped me get samples for the lab!

This is Helen working in her massive garden at Roper Mountain Science Center.

This is a Giant Swallowtail 10x

A Wolly Bear Caterpillar 10x

Eastern Black Swallowtail Egg 60x

Pupa of a moth from Clarence

Here are some students peering into an aquarium with butterflies.

We went outside in the Butterfly Garden to look for eggs and caterpillars.

We found worms and lots of interesting insects.

Students started a garden with collard greens to help feed Sammy and Spikey.

We came in and made symmetrical butterfly cookies.

Everyone got a net and a Petosky Stone. Get ready for next month. I am already planning!
Wow, those nets are too cool! Way to go Mum!
Some really great pictures! I might have to steal some for my habitat presentations!
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