I knew this would get your attention!! Don't worry. I am not bragging about myself. This is about the December Human Body Lab. Children are often told that they are unique, special, and that they are an amazing creation from God. We are "fearfully and wonderfully made". In this lab students actually got to see how incredible their body really is. They were surprised when they found out how "cool" and unique their fingers are and they didn't even realize it until now.

Let's just say it took a while to clean the table after the lab...

We lifted the prints off the dirty fingers with clear tape.

Here are some interesting prints we took. Nathan, my trusty lab assistant and youngest son, placed them under the microscope so we could get a better look.

Now, when your child is bored at home just tell him to take his fingerprints!

What a great lab! That's so cool!
Hi Mrs. Kahue!
It's been a while since I've dropped by. -LOVED this post and again, I'm adding it to my file of ideas for Science topics. This is great. (And yes, children DO learn better when they get messy, I agree!) :) Thanks for the great idea and sharing the link.
Ellen McBride
SOOOOOOOOOOOO cool...I am going to try this with Caleb. Have you ever seen the artwork projects made using finger prints. I did that when I was younger. I think I am going to have Caleb do that, too.
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