This map shows where the Monarchs have been spotted this week of April 2010.

If you would like to participate with the University of Georgia's Project Monarch Health click here.
Here is some news from their recent newsletter:
Due to the severe weather at the overwintering sites in Mexico this winter, and the smaller than average monarch numbers prior to these events, the eastern North American monarch population is reported to be smaller than ever. Over the course of this MonarchHealth sampling season, we hope to gain insight into how well the population will rebound and what effect OE will have on this potentially smaller 2010 population. More specifically, will the infection rate increase or continue to decline?

Remember, we need your help to continue sampling each year. Now is the time to order your 2010 MonarchHealth sampling kit! Write to us at
Long-distance migration shapes butterfly wings
A recent by Dr. Sonia Altizer and Andy Davis examined the morphological differences between wings of monarchs from migratory and non-migratory populations. Their findings indicate that monarchs that migrate large distances have larger bodies and more elongated wings that are better suited for traveling long distances. Non-migratory monarchs have wings up to 20% smaller.

Click Here to learn more about Monarchs.

Have fun watching :)
1 comment:
Two of your students -- Brian and Alexander said they will definitely be on the lookout and will report any sightings!! Thanks, M.
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